Ramallah: Abu Mazen ordina il funerale di stato per la mente della strage di Monaco ’72

Emanuel Baroz
20 agosto 2010
11 commenti

Picchetto d’ onore a Ramallah

Abu Mazen al funerale del terrorista di Monaco ‘ 72

di Francesco Battistini

GERUSALEMME – Il picchetto d’ onore alla Mukata, la passatoia, la corona di fiori dell’ Autorità palestinese, il corteo davanti alla tomba di Arafat, i 21 colpi sparati al cielo. E poi il saluto commosso a «un valoroso combattente della nostra causa», nelle parole del presidente palestinese, Abu Mazen, e dal premier Salam Fayyad, assieme a tutto lo stato maggiore del Fatah. Sono stati funerali solenni quelli di Amin Al-Hindi, 70 anni, morto tre giorni fa in Giordania e sepolto a Gaza: l’ ultimo palestinese del commando di Settembre Nero che pianificò la strage di Monaco alle Olimpiadi del 1972, quando furono massacrati undici atleti israeliani.

È stato Abu Mazen a ordinare una cerimonia di Stato a Ramallah, con toni simili all’ addio già riservato un mese fa a un altro ideatore della strage, Abu Daud, morto a Damasco. «Questi uomini ci mancheranno», ha detto il leader dell’ Anp che era legato da antica amicizia a Hindi, nonostante l’ avesse silurato dopo la morte di Arafat: proprio secondo le rivelazioni di Abu Daud, Abu Mazen partecipò indirettamente all’ attacco del 1972, mentre si trovava in Urss, procurando i soldi necessari all’ azione terroristica.

(Fonte: Corriere della Sera, 20 Agosto 2010, pag. 17)

In alto: la prima pagina del quotidiano israeliano Yediot Aharonot il giorno dopo l’ignobile massacro compiuto dai terroristi palestinesi comandati dal Nobel per la Pace (sic!) Yasser Arafat

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  • #1Daniel

    Abu Mazen: Un crimine la nascita di Israele

    La decisione di fondare lo Stato d’Israele nel 1948 (benché prevista da un’apposita risoluzione Onu del 1947) fu un crimine. Lo ha detto il presidente dell’Autorità Palestinese Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) parlando domenica in occasione delle manifestazioni del 57esimo anniversario di quella che i palestinesi chiamano la Nakba (catastrofe), vale a dire appunto la nascita dello Stato di Israele.
    “Il nostro popolo non dimenticherà mai e le generazioni a venire non dimenticheranno mai – ha proclamato Abu Mazen in un discorso trasmesso in diretta alla tv palestinese dal Giappone, dove si trova in visita – Quel giorno (il 15 maggio 1948) venne commesso un crimine contro il nostro popolo, la cui esistenza fu distrutta”.
    Abu Mazen ha ribadito anche la richiesta di una “soluzione giusta e concordata alla questione dei profughi palestinesi basata sulla risoluzione 194” dell’Assemblea Generale dell’Onu. Il riferimento alla 194 viene normalmente inteso dai palestinesi come il cosiddetto “diritto al ritorno” dei profughi (e di tutti i loro discendenti) all’interno di Israele, anche dopo la nascita di uno stato palestinese.
    Migliaia di palestinesi hanno manifestato in occasione della NaKba nelle strade della striscia di Gaza e di Cisgiordania esibendo manifesti e slogan che facevano esplicito riferimento al “diritto al ritorno” (simbolicamente rappresentato dalla “chiavi” delle case perdute) e ad uno stato arabo su “tutta la terra di Palestina”.
    Per l’occasione la dirigenza di Hamas ha diffuso una dichiarazione nella quale si definisce Israele un “cancro” e si promette di continuare la lotta armata “fino alla liberazione dell’ultimo centimetro della nostra terra e al ritorno dell’ultimo profugo nella sua casa”.
    Nel suo discorso, Abu Mazen ha anche inviato una “benedizione” agli “shahid” (martiri) palestinesi “che hanno irrigato la nostra terra patria con il loro sangue puro”, e a tutti “gli eroici palestinesi che oggi sono dietro le sbarre per aver lottato per l’indipendenza della Palestina”.
    “Il fatto stesso che i palestinesi celebrino il 15 maggio, giorno della proclamazione dello Stato di Israele, come il giorno della catastrofe – ha commentato il vice primo ministro israeliano Ehud Olmert – è molto sconfortante, perché indica una mentalità ancora oggi incline a considerare Israele come un ostacolo che deve essere rimosso, anziché una realtà con cui venire a patti e con cui convivere. Si tratta di un fatto assai triste, che gioca contro la pace, per cui speriamo che cambino presto atteggiamento. E prima lo fanno, meglio è”.
    Nel sermone pronunciato nella moschea di Gaza il venerdì precedente le celebrazioni della Nakba, lo sceicco Ibrahim Mudairis, ha dichiarato: “Gli ebrei sono un cancro che si diffonde in tutto il mondo… gli ebrei sono responsabili di tutte le guerre e i conflitti. Non chiedete cosa hanno fatto i tedeschi agli ebrei, chiedete che cosa hanno fatto gli ebrei ai tedeschi”. Il sermone è stato trasmesso integralmente dalla tv dell’Autorità Palestinese.

    (Da: Jerusalem Post, Ha’aretz, Ynetnews, 15.05.05)

    22 Ago 2010, 11:15 Rispondi|Quota
  • #2Daniel

    Abu Mazen è un negatore della Shoah

    Quando uno ci scrive la tesi di laurea negando la Shoah…

    Inquiry and Analysis Series – No. 95 [ARCHIVES]
    May 30, 2002 No.95

    Palestinian Leader: Number of Jewish Victims in the Holocaust
    Might be ‘Even Less Than a Million…’ Zionist Movement Collaborated with
    Nazis to ‘Expand the Mass Extermination’ of the Jews

    A 1982 doctoral dissertation by Secretary-General of the PLO
    Executive Committee Mahmoud Abbas, a.k.a. Abu Mazen, who is considered
    second to Yasser Arafat, discussed “the secret ties between the Nazis and
    the Zionist movement leadership.” Two years later, a study by Abu Mazen
    based on his dissertation for Moscow’s Oriental College was published in
    Arabic by Dar Ibn Rushd publishers in Amman, Jordan.

    In the introduction to his 1984 study, Abu Mazen referred to
    well-known Holocaust deniers, raised doubts that gas chambers were used for
    extermination of Jews, and claimed that the number of Jews murdered in the
    Holocaust might be “even less than a million.” Abu Mazen claimed that the
    Zionist movement had a stake in convincing world public opinion that the
    number of victims was high; thus, it would achieve “greater gains” after the
    war when the time came to “distribute the spoils.”

    Abu Mazen’s intention was to undermine the legitimacy of the
    Zionist movement by proving that during a critical stage in the history of
    the Jewish people – the rise of Nazism and World War II – the Zionist
    leadership stopped at nothing to achieve its aim of establishing a Jewish
    state. He wrote, “The truth [about the Nazi crimes] has another aspect” that
    the West preferred to disregard; instead, the West concealed “a basic
    partner in crime” – that is, the Zionist movement. The study pointed to a
    convergence of the interests of the Nazi and the Zionist movements, and the
    fundamental similarity in the two movements’ theories. The central claim Abu
    Mazen sought to prove is that the Zionist movement, with all its factions,
    conspired against the Jewish people and collaborated with the Nazis to
    annihilate it, because the movement considered “Palestine” the only
    appropriate destination for Jewish emigration.

    Abu Mazen wrote, “It might be imagined that Zionism would do all
    it could, materially and otherwise, to save the Jews, or at least to keep
    them [alive] until the end of the war. It might have been expected that it
    would arouse world public opinion and direct its attention to the massacres
    carried out against the Jews, so that the governments would act to rescue
    them from their bitter fate.” But, stated Abu Mazen, “what Zionism did was
    the exact opposite of what could have been expected”: The Zionist movement
    sabotaged various aid plans[1] and withheld information regarding the bitter
    fate of Europe’s Jews “in order to free itself from the need to take
    necessary action.” Abu Mazen added, “the Zionist movement led a broad
    campaign of incitement against the Jews living under Nazi rule, in order to
    arouse the government’s hatred of them, to fuel vengeance against them, and
    to expand the mass extermination.”[2]

    Introduction: The Truth has Another Aspect
    “The Western countries sketched the final picture of the outcome
    of World War II. They defined the crimes committed, and described the
    criminals and the ones they victimized – after setting themselves up as a
    faithful judge with the decisive word in matters of these crimes. They
    locked up details, facts, and crimes that they didn’t want to exist; they
    ignored names, important people, institutions, organizations, and countries
    that they chose to ignore. In the end, they charged the Nazi leaders with
    all the crimes that were committed during the war, and they relentlessly
    hunted down those still alive, even though the crimes were committed long
    ago. The Nuremberg [trials] cut down the tyrants and the murderers, and cast
    a [shadow] on the basic partner in the crimes committed during the war.
    After they collected [the price] from them – they narrowed the focus on the
    crimes, criminals, prosecutors, defendants, and witnesses, and set the
    entire matter in limited frameworks that could not be breached. This was how
    these countries dealt with half the truth, deliberately neglecting the other

    The Number of Jewish Victims
    “During World War II, 40 million people of different nations of
    the world were killed. The German people sacrificed 10 million; the Soviet
    people 20 million; and the rest [of those killed] were from Yugoslavia,
    Poland, and the other peoples. But after the war it was announced that 6
    million Jews were among the victims, and that the war of annihilation had
    been aimed first of all against the Jews, and only then against the rest of
    the peoples of Europe.”

    “The truth of the matter is that no one can verify this number,
    or completely deny it. In other words, the number of Jewish victims might be
    6 million and might be much smaller – even less than 1 million.
    [Nevertheless], raising a discussion regarding the number of Jews [murdered]
    does not in any way diminish the severity of the crime committed against
    them, as murder – even of one man – is a crime that the civilized world
    cannot accept and humanity cannot accept.”

    “It seems that the Zionist movement’s stake in inflating the
    number of murdered in the war was aimed at [ensuring] great gains. This led
    it to confirm the number [6 million], to establish it in world opinion, and
    by doing so to arouse more pangs of conscience and sympathy for Zionism in
    general. Many scholars have debated the question of the 6 million figure,
    and reached perplexing conclusions, according to which the Jewish victims
    total hundreds of thousands. The well-known Canadian author Roger Delarom[3]
    said on this matter: ‘To date, no proof whatsoever exists that the number of
    Jewish victims in the Nazi concentration camps reached four million or six
    million. Zionism first spoke of 12 million exterminated in these camps, but
    then the number decreased greatly, to half, that is, only six million. Then
    the number decreased further, and became four million, as the Germans could
    not have killed or exterminated more Jews than there were in the world at
    that time. In effect, the true number is much smaller than these fictitious
    millions.’ The [American] historian and author Raul Hilberg thinks that this
    number is no greater than 896,000. “[4]

    “The source of the submission of this large number, 6 million
    [murdered], is Chaim Weizmann’s 1936 declaration before a British committee
    regarding the fate of 6 million Jews living in Europe if a world war should
    break out. [According to Weizmann], ‘The little green branches are the ones
    that will survive, while the rest must bear their [bitter] fate.’ From that
    point on, the Zionist movement insisted that all 6 million were murdered,
    and that none of them survived.”

    “Afterwards, the Zionist movement attempted to describe how they
    [the Jews] were murdered in concentration camps and gas chambers, as it
    disregarded two fundamental facts. First, many of the Jews remained alive;
    some were rescued by the Zionist movement [which encouraged] their
    emigration to Palestine, and some [survived because of] the peoples of the
    world that managed to protect them and take them away from the Nazis, as the
    Soviet Union did by sending two million Jews to its eastern republics. In
    addition, hundreds of thousands of live Jews were found in the concentration
    camps when the Allies liberated the territories [conquered by the Nazis].”

    “Second, the extermination of the victims was not carried out
    only in the concentration camps and gas chambers. Some of the victims fell
    as a result of their participation in wars and battles, and also due to
    starvation and disease that struck all the peoples of Europe. In addition,
    the concentration camps were not only for Jews, but held people from all
    over Europe, among them fighters, intellectuals, scholars, prisoners of war,
    and opponents of fascism.”

    “Regarding the gas chambers, which were supposedly designed for
    murdering living Jews: A scientific study published by Professor Robert
    Faurisson[5] of France denies that the gas chambers were for murdering
    people, and claims that they were only for incinerating bodies, out of
    concern for the spread of disease and infection in the region.”[6]

    The Zionist Movement Conspired Against the Jewish People
    “It takes little effort to prove the truth [about the crimes of
    the Nazis] and to document them. World War II did take place, and in it fell
    millions of victims. It was Hitler. who established the concentration camps
    in all of Europe to hold all of his opponents and enemies, including peoples
    not worthy of living, and it was also he who invented the gas chambers.
    However, another aspect of the truth remains shrouded in mystery, like the
    other side of the moon.”

    “How could [anyone with] reason believe that the institutions of
    the Zionist movement that arose to defend ‘the [Jewish] people’ then became
    a cause of this people’s annihilation? History has taught us that Nero
    burned Rome, but he was insane, and his insanity removes from him his
    responsibility. History has also taught us that leaders have betrayed their
    people and their country and sold them to their enemies. But they are few,
    and they alone bear the responsibility for their actions. Therefore, a
    popular, public movement’s conspiracy against its ‘people’ is something
    astonishing that demands an in-depth and meticulous examination before it is
    accused for no reason.”

    On the Similarity Between Nazi and Zionist Theory
    “When discussing declared Zionist ideas, which have been
    espoused with profound conviction and faith by the movement’s followers, one
    finds that they believe in the purity of the Jewish race – as Hitler
    believed in the purity of the Aryan race – and the movement calls for
    finding a deeply-rooted and decisive solution to the ‘Jewish problem’ in
    Europe via immigration to Palestine. Hitler also called for this, and
    carried it out. The Zionist movement maintains that antisemitism is an
    eternal problem that throbs in the Gentiles’ blood; that it is not possible
    to put an end to it or get away from it; and thus it is the basic motive for
    Zionist immigration. It follows that if antisemitism did not exist it would
    be necessary to invent it, and that if its flame dies away it must be
    fanned. David Ben-Gurion defined the Zionist movement as immigration [to
    Israel] and nothing else; whoever does not immigrate [to Israel] denies the
    Torah and the Talmud and therefore is not a Jew. These ideas provide a
    general dispensation to every racist in the world, most prominently Hitler
    and the Nazis, to treat the Jews as they wish, as long as this includes
    immigration to Palestine.”

    The Entire Zionist Movement is Responsible for Conspiring with
    the Nazis
    “In order to avoid error and generalization regarding the
    various factions of the Zionists, and for the purpose of accuracy, we must
    point out that the Zionist movement was divided. One part held the
    leadership and another part formed the opposition. Can we accuse the second
    group, which was not party to the institutions and leadership [of conspiring
    against the Jewish people]? This question is relevant in only one incident –
    whether there were differences of opinion between the two sides regarding
    the origin of the Zionist theory and regarding the practical implementation
    of Zionist thought. But if the point of departure and the implementation
    went together, as indeed happened – then there is no room for question. An
    Arabic proverb states, ‘When differences of opinion arise among thieves, the
    theft is revealed.’ This is what happened with the Zionist movement; when
    the Labor Party ruled Israel, it refused the Revisionists [the future Likud
    party] their share, and so [the Revisionists] began to expose the facts and
    rend the curtain of falsehood. However, in the heat of argument over the
    roles of the Laborites [in conspiring with the Nazis], they forgot to speak
    of the role they played, which was no different from that of others. Then
    came a third side and revealed the positions of all.”


    [1] In the study, Abu Mazen notes several incidents in which the
    Zionist movement ignored the fate of the Jews and actively undermined plans
    to aid them. He wrote, “In 1943, there was an opportunity to send packages
    of food, medicine, and clothing to Jews in the ghettos of Europe. The
    International Red Cross, in cooperation with the U.S. government, began
    collecting these packages, but the Zionist movement objected to the proposal
    and sabotaged the idea, claiming that the German Red Cross would be the
    recipient [of the packages]. Because of these positions, thousands died in
    the ghetto of epidemic and starvation, even before the Nazis began their
    actions. Infant mortality ranged from 60% to 70% in various places – nothing
    could be more terrible. Had intentions been good, there were ways and means
    of delivering the packages, via the Red Cross or some neutral country such
    as Switzerland, Turkey, or Portugal, and they would have been sent – and all
    these children could have been saved.”

    [2] Abu Mazen stated in his paper, “The Zionist movement’s most
    obvious incitement activities against the Jews living under the German
    conquest were the decisions of the Biltmore Conference, held in the U.S. [in
    May, 1942]. when the Zionist leaders declared war on Germany on behalf of
    the Jewish people. When Hitler learned about the conclusions of the
    conference through his ambassador in the U.S., he was enraged, and declared,
    ‘Now I will liquidate them.’ Afterwards he held an urgent meeting with all
    Germany’s leaders, and they developed their detailed plans for the Final
    Solution. We must not overestimate the importance of the Biltmore Conference
    and see it as the only reason leading Hitler to authorize the Final
    Solution, but it is clear that the decisions taken at the conference were
    one of Hitler’s main excuses for speeding up the implementation of his
    solution regarding the Jews, and therefore this conference can be seen as
    one of the more important causes that led to the [bitter] end.”

    [3] The spelling of this name is not certain; the name as it
    appears in the study is unknown.

    [4] Abu Mazen cited p. 670 of Hilberg’s The Destruction of the
    European Jews as the source of this data. However, an examination of this
    source shows that no such figure is mentioned. Hilberg writes that between
    1935 and 1945 world Jewry lost a third of its number; it dropped from 16
    million to about 11 million. It should be noted that the original Russian
    version of Abu Mazen’s study focuses much less on how many Jews were
    murdered than does the Arabic version, and includes only the figure of
    896,000, which Abu Mazen attributes to Hilberg.

    [5] A well-known Holocaust denier.

    [6] In the original version of this study (in Russian) the
    question of whether or not gas chambers were used to murder Jews does not

    MEMRI holds copyrights on all translations. Materials may ONLY be
    cited with proper attribution.

    22 Ago 2010, 11:17 Rispondi|Quota
  • #3Daniel

    Abu Mazen: “Non è necessario riconoscere Israele”

    Subito dopo aver dichiarato, durante un incontro la settimana scorsa con il segretario di stato Usa Condoleezza Rice, che avrebbe chiesto a Hamas di riconoscere il diritto ad esistere dello stato di Israele, il presidente dell’Autorità Palestinese Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) ha detto, riesponendo alle domande della tv araba al-Arabiya, che né Hamas né la sua stessa fazione Fatah sono obbligati a riconoscere lo stato ebraico. “Hamas non è obbligata a riconoscere Israele – ha detto Abu Mazen – Non è necessario che lo faccia Hamas, né che lo faccia Fatah, né il Fronte Popolare.
    Le contraddittorie dichiarazioni, in arabo e in inglese, del presidente palestinese sono state sottolineate dal centro di monitoraggio Palestinian Media Watch.
    Incontrando Condoleezza Rice, Abu Mazen aveva garantito che avrebbe richiesto il riconoscimento di Israele d a parte di Hamas come pre-condizione per creare un governo di unità nazionale. La Rice, dal canto suo, aveva dichiarato ai giornalisti in una conferenza stampa insieme ad Abu Mazen che gli Stati Uniti avrebbero trovato il modo di aiutare il presidente palestinese, esprimendo anche “grande ammirazione” per la sua leadership e per ciò che ella definiva la sua “volontà” di riavviare i negoziati israelo-palestinesi.
    Tuttavia, poco dopo, parlando in arabo alla tv al-Arabiya, lo stesso Abu Mazen spiegava che nemmeno Fatah ha mai ufficialmente riconosciuto Israele. “L’Olp [organizzazione ombrello di varie fazioni palestinesi] ha riconosciuto Israele nel 1993 quando Israele riconobbe l’Olp – ha spiegato Abu Mazen – Ma ognuno ha il diritto di dire: io non lo riconosco. È chiaro? È un diritto di chiunque e di qualunque organizzazione”.
    È vero che diversi leader di Fatah, compreso lo stesso Abu Mazen, hanno affermato molte volte di riconoscere lo stato ebraico. Ma Abu Mazen ha spiegato ai telespettatori di al-Arabiya che tali dichiarazioni di riconoscimento erano necessarie per fare fronte alle esigenze “quotidiane” degli affari palestinesi e che il riconoscimento da parte sua riguardava soltanto gli interlocutori politici israeliani, non lo stato di Israele in quanto tale. “Il futuro governo [palestinese] – ha detto Abu Mazen – avrà a che fare ogni giorno con gli israeliani e ogni ora, forse ogni minuto, vi saranno contatti fra ministri palestinesi e ministri israeliani. Dunque vi chiedo: come potrebbero, questo governo o i suoi ministri, non riconoscere i loro interlocutori e risolvere i problemi del popolo?”
    A titolo di esempio della necessità di riconoscere i singoli interlocutori politici israeliani, Abu Mazen ha fatto riferimento ai 500 milioni di dollari di prelievo fiscale destinati all’Autorità Palestinese ma congelati da Israele dopo l’elezione di Hamas. “Il ministro delle finanze palestinese deve arrivare a un accordo con il ministro delle finanz e israeliano sul trasferimento di questi soldi. Dunque, come può fare un accordo se non lo riconosce?”

    (Da: YnetNews, 11.10.06)

    22 Ago 2010, 11:19 Rispondi|Quota
  • #4Ruben Dr

    ………………Nella sua autobiografia intitolata “Memorie di un terrorista palestinese” (pubblicata nel 1999 in Francia), Daoud (oggi settantenne) afferma che i fondi per l’ operazione vennero raccolti da Mahmoud Abbas (meglio noto quale Abu Mazen, succeduto ad Arafat alla guida dell’ Autorita’ Palestinese dal 15 gennaio 2005), all’ oscuro dello scopo per il quale essi sarebbero serviti. Yasser Arafat (futuro Premio Nobel per la Pace) supporto’ invece senza scrupoli di sorta l’ intera operazione.

    22 Ago 2010, 11:27 Rispondi|Quota
  • #5barbara

    Ah ecco, vedo che quello che volevo scrivere io lo ha già scritto Ruben (beh, dai, è confortante constatare che siamo almeno in due a saperlo!) (ma tu ci credi che lui non sapeva a che cosa dovevano servire?) Quindi non dovrebbe sorprendere più di tanto che chi ha fatto l’angelo custode dell’inizio della nobile impresa, lo faccia anche all’ultimo atto, no?

    22 Ago 2010, 22:22 Rispondi|Quota
  • #6Jon

    Notizie su cui è bene riflettere…per il bene di Israele e del mondo in generale.

    24 Ago 2010, 11:38 Rispondi|Quota
  • #7Jon

    …e per ribadire il diritto d’esistere d’Israele e la lotta ad ogni forma di antisemitismo.

    24 Ago 2010, 11:43 Rispondi|Quota
  • #8Oloscettico

    Settembre Nero (270bis)
    la dedico a tutti voi piccoli ebreucci fanatici… ormai le vostre balle non ci fanno più paura, Intifada fino alla vittoria!

    Il mondo ci ha tacciato
    di briganti e di assassini, uccisori
    di donne e di bambini

    ma nessuno vuol vedere
    i corpi straziati dei nostri figli
    sotto i carri armati

    i campi devastati
    dal fuoco americano
    i nostri corpi
    dalle iene di sharon

    Ma tra le dune sorge
    il mitra di Settembre Nero
    Sulla Palestina ora rivive
    lo spirito guerriero

    Troppo ci pesava
    il bastone da pastore
    i nostri figli preferiscono il fucile

    l’odio che han sorbito
    con il latte delle madri
    ora esplode negli aerei della EL AL

    troppo ci pesava
    portare sulla schiena
    il dominio di una razza di mercanti

    se con l’oro hanno comprato
    la mia casa e la mia terra
    la mia libertà si paga con il sangue!

    E tra le dune sorge
    il mitra di Settembre Nero
    Sulla Palestina ora
    rivive lo spirito guerriero

    Gridano “Shalom”
    bruciandoci le case
    cantano pace e ci violentano le donne

    Aiuta chi è più ricco
    baionette ai moribondi
    queste sono le leggi di Mosé

    ma a noi indicò Maometto
    la strada da seguire
    il nostro Allah si onora col tritolo

    a chi predica la pace
    massacrando la tua gente
    dal Corano il nostro Dio
    risponde guerra!

    E tra le dune sorge
    il mitra di Settembre Nero
    Sulla Palestina ora
    rivive lo spirito guerriero

    24 Ago 2010, 17:08 Rispondi|Quota
  • #10Daniele Coppin

    x Oloscettico
    lirica degna di quelle di epoca fascista, d’altra parte tra intolleranti e violenti ci si intende, come dimostrarono i buoni rapporti di amicizia tra Mussolini e il Gran Muftì di Gerusalemme. E sono fatti storici dimostrati, non balle come quelle dei nazistelli rossi filopalestinesi come te.

    3 Set 2010, 14:24 Rispondi|Quota
  • #11Ted

    Ma non erqno stati TUTTI eliminati dal Mossad nel corso degli anni seguenti questi fetenti macellai palestinisti? Oppure ho sognato? Grave errore aver mancato tale appuntamento… hanno lasciato dei degni eredi in Siria… Puah!!!

    2 Dic 2015, 23:34 Rispondi|Quota